Interviews & Appearances That Inspire!

Slow Down To Do More: “Use a Surgeon’s Schedule”
Authority Magazine
Surgeons succeed with laser like focus on the highest and best use of their talents in the time when they are at their creative best. Those are their surgeries.
10 Entrepreneurs Explain How They Find Mentors in Business
CEO Blog Nation
Before you can figure how to find a mentor, you need to figure out what you want in a mentor. First and foremost, you need a generous listener.
How Emotionally Intelligent Leaders Handle Ungrateful Employees
There’s a proven and straightforward way to make effective requests of others. It’s called I.O.R.C. – Intention, Observation, Request, and Confirmation.
Four Bad Habits That Executives Should Nix
The Economist
Check out your interpretation of the situation before you make judgments or take action.
4 Keys to Building Winning Teams in Healthcare
Before people can work together effectively, they need to have a shared sense of purpose or direction. Shared hopes boost effective collaboration.
A Roadmap for Systematically Making Great Team Decisions
Huffington Post
In our efforts to inspire leaders to see what’s possible, many people, including me, often discuss leadership practices from the perspective of what great leadership ideally looks like.
5 Ways to Get More Respect at Work
Fast Company
Think about what promise will give you the respect you desire. Then act to show that you deliver on your promise.
When it’s time to take your business elsewhere, here’s the right way to exit
Huff Post
In business, as in life, there’s no point in alienating the person or company you’re separating from. Keep it professional.
50 Career Experts Reveal Their Best Salary Negotiation and Resume Writing Tips
Advancing your career and increasing your salary can be an important part of building your financial independence. We talked to 50 career experts to get their best salary negotiation and resume writing tips to help you earn more.
The Fastest Way to Turn Around Career Burnout
Fast Company
There are three common types of burnout. Once you figure out what’s going on, you can take steps to fix it.
6 Resume Tips you Haven’t Heard Of Yet
The fundamental problem with resumes is that they look backward, not forward.
“Drive Before You Buy” for Hiring Success
SmartBlog on Leadership
Take charge of your hiring process. Both you and the employees who are a good fit for your organization will appreciate the opportunity to enter the relationship with greater confidence.
4 Assumptions that Derail Decision Making
Careers in Government
Great decisions make people and their organizations great. Erase these assumptions and you’re on your way.
7 Pitfalls to Avoid in Decision Making
Chief Learning Officer
If learning professionals want to develop flourishing, successful employees, they need to help them learn how to make great decisions.
Experts Share Best Productivity Tips
Inc. Magazine
Don Maruska talks about his productivity tip of how to be like a surgeon and slice through overwhelming workloads. Find out how you can boost your productivity.
How Great Decisions Get Made
Stanford Executive Briefing
Don Maruska delivers Keynote Address to over 200 Silicon Valley leaders at the Stanford Executive Briefing. Watch the opening 8 minutes of How Great Decisions Get Made.
How To Create the Job You Want at your Company
“Climbing a career ladder or hoping to get promoted is the way of the past. Here are the new rules for getting ahead.”
Taking Charge of Your Talent
Burbank, CA
Mark Scott, City Manager of Burbank, California, describes the inspiring impact of the Take Charge of Your Talent message for city managers who want to be their best.
3 Keys to Unlocking Employee Talent
With resources limited and budgets tight, using every ounce of your employees’ talent is vital to your business’ success. While entrepreneurs stress running a lean ship.