Why the UN Climate Conference Fell Short and What We Need to do Now
COP26 was doomed to limited success. The incessant push of dire warnings fed the fearful parts of our human brains and sapped our best thinking. The well-intentioned participants predictably succumbed to fight, flight, freeze, and finger pointing. As a result, they...

Three Tips to Find and Engage Top Talent
Are you finding and keeping the talent you need to succeed? Imagine how your business would soar with some key hires and ways to engage them and the employees you already have. Here are practical tips your organization can use to thrive. 1.“Birds of a feather flock...

Can a Coach Help Your Business Succeed?
With experience as founder and CEO of three Silicon Valley companies and a venture investor in startups that became public companies, I cast a critical eye towards consultants and coaches. Now, as a Master Certified Coach, I encourage my clients, especially small...

Got Resilience? Three Steps to Thrive in Challenging Times
Critical to any professional's success is resilience. Markets, businesses, and opportunities move too fast for us to hope to navigate without hitches. It's like white-water rafting. If you aren't getting doused now and then, and even tossed out of the raft, you aren't...

Action plan for bouncing back from getting let go
Do you know someone who was let go or fired and is wondering how to regroup? If you are taking risks and pushing your skills, that someone may be you. How can you bounce back? Here are proven steps to move forward and thrive. Acknowledge the reality of...

Generous Listening is the #1 Teamwork Skill
Generous listening is the #1 teamwork skill for employees. Listening and understanding one another are frequent casualties in today's digital world. Listening is at the foundation, however, of developing strong work relationships, discerning the real issues at play,...