Bonuses for Readers

I want you to get the most out of applying the insights and tools described in Solve Climate Change Now. The following resources will support you in your efforts. I welcome your suggestions and additions to the resources. Please send them to Thank you for making a difference.


Put the tools in the book into practice. Here are some of them provided in PDF form for you to access and complete.

Enjoy Your Fun Filter

Create Your Needs Filter

Find Your Climate Sweet Spot

Use the Opportunity Sorter

Make an Action Plan

Awareness Opportunities

BrightAction I’ve found this one to be especially helpful in providing quantitative measures of greenhouse gas emissions and the reduction in GHG emissions and cost impacts of various strategies tailored to your home use. It also enables you to set up teams within an organization as well as a community/organization group (which could be a community organization, business, etc.) to track and share your aggregate results while keeping individual information confidential.

CoolClimate Network This calculator receives favorable reviews for U.S. residents.

Global Footprint Network This international app focuses upon your ecological footprint—how many planets would we need if everybody lived like you. It also calculates your personal Overshoot Day—the day in the year when you will have emitted your share of a sustainable CO2 budget.

WWF Footprint Calculator This one receives favorable reviews for U.K. residents. Carbon Calculator This calculator targets countries outside the U.S. and U.K. where more refined emissions data are not available. It encourages purchasing carbon offsets through its climate-friendly projects.

Action Opportunities

Good carbon footprint tools will identify ways you can reduce or offset your greenhouse gas emissions. The more robust the tool is and the more detailed information you input into it, the more it will be able to identify the most impactful steps you can take as well as the ones that you can do easily for little money or significant cost savings.

In addition to the carbon footprint tools above, here are additional resources about personal actions you can take.

How You Can Help Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions at Home

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Multiple ways to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions (on the road, in the sky; on your plate; in your home; what you buy; and what you do)

Visit Website

For organizations, here are a range of GHG reduction programs and strategies

Visit Website

Advocacy Opportunities

There are multiple advocacy groups working to advance climate health. Here are ones that I’ve personally found useful.

Citizens’ Climate Lobby

Citizens’ Climate Lobby empowers everyday people to work together on climate policy (including putting a price on carbon pollution) .  

Visit Website

Environmental Defense Fund

Environmental Defense Fund draws science, economics, partnerships, and advocacy together to address climate issues.

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Episcopal Public Policy Network

Episcopal Public Policy Network provides federal legislative updates and action alerts on a variety of topics including climate action.

Visit Website

Interfaith Power and Light

Interfaith Power and Light engages over 22,000 faith communities and more than 6.5 million people of faith in environmental stewardship and climate action.

Visit Website

The Nature Conservancy

The Nature Conservancy pursues paths to solve climate change and biodiversity loss.

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THIS! Is What We Did

THIS! Is What We Did: grows a movement to break the power of the fossil fuel industry and stimulate the effective, drastic action needed to spur climate justice and give future generations a chance for a decent life.

Visit Website

World Wildlife Fund

World Wildlife Fund: engages people, leading businesses, and government leaders to prepare for inevitable change and reduce the emissions that drive climate change.

Visit Website

Climate Action Conversations

You can be a catalyst to boost awareness, actions, and advocacy. The see one, do one, teach one model works great to engage people in Climate Action Conversations. You have someone serve as a Climate Action Catalyst at the front of the room (or Zoom) and model the conversation with a volunteer. After the conversation, take a few minutes to debrief with the volunteer and the audience. What worked for them? What would help them feel comfortable having such a conversation with others? Then, breakout into pairs and have participants interview one another. Discover the power of being catalysts for one another’s thinking and supporting actions on the results. See the “Try the Quick Start Guide for Climate Action Conversations” on pages 133-141 of Solve Climate Change Now.

Speaking, Workshops and Other Resources

Would you like a speaker or workshop leader for your organization?
I’m pleased to share insights and offer inspiration and practical tools or help you find others who can support you.

What else do you need?
Are there other tools or resources you’d like to have? Please send an email.

What else can you suggest or offer?
If you have additional tools or resources you’d like to suggest or offer, please send them. We will be stronger together.
