Guide Customers to Realize Your Distinctive Value

Guide Customers to Realize Your Distinctive Value

My wife envies how Toyota has trained me. She always wanted me to accelerate and decelerate more slowly and take curving roads at smoother speeds. In two days, my Camry Hybrid achieved what she had struggled in vain for over 25 years to accomplish. Toyota’s mastery of...

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Make a Winning Presentation

Make a Winning Presentation

Making compelling presentations helps organizations succeed. You can learn some core skills to close big accounts, attract new investors, or gain support for key initiatives. Many presentations read like lengthy novels. In business, however, audiences don’t want a...

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How to Close Good Deals with Large Companies

How to Close Good Deals with Large Companies

Do you want to enjoy good deals with large companies? Here are tips that enabled me to start and grow businesses through effective negotiations with large companies. 1. Ask the people at the large company what their business’ hopes are for the deal. You need to know...

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Hit Your Sales Targets with Limited Ammunition

Hit Your Sales Targets with Limited Ammunition

Everyone wants more sales, and most sales people complain that they don’t have a big enough budget to get them. Limited ammunition to hit your targets can actually help you focus, and focus is your friend. What gets in the way? Well, over time, businesses settle into...

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How Attractive Is Your Business to the Talent You Need?

How Attractive Is Your Business to the Talent You Need?

People are the lifeblood of any business. Are you attracting the best people who will help your organization soar? Are you retaining your best people or are they going elsewhere? Make employee attraction and retention a top priority for 2017. It will make everything...

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Get and Keep Top Talent

Get and Keep Top Talent

In today’s tight job markets and competitive economy, you need to get and keep the best talent for your business. This should be job #1 for your organization. If you don’t get this right, not much else matters. There are several important steps to attract and retain...

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