COP26 was doomed to limited success. The incessant push of dire warnings fed the fearful parts of our human brains and sapped our best thinking. The well-intentioned participants predictably succumbed to fight, flight, freeze, and finger pointing. As a result, they...
A successful approach that’s worked for me and the thousands of people whom I’ve coached is what I call the “Surgeon’s Schedule.” Surgeons succeed with laser like focus on the highest and best use of their talents in the time when they are at their creative best....
Before you can figure how to find a mentor, you need to figure out what you want in a mentor. First and foremost, you need a generous listener. Read the full article on CEO Blog Nation here.
There’s a proven and straightforward way to make effective requests of others. It’s called I.O.R.C. – Intention, Observation, Request, and Confirmation. Read the full article on here.
Are you finding and keeping the talent you need to succeed? Imagine how your business would soar with some key hires and ways to engage them and the employees you already have. Here are practical tips your organization can use to thrive. 1.“Birds of a feather flock...