Do you know as much about your competitors as you do about your own organization? Whether you are a hard-driving business or a non-profit striving to do good, you need to know about your competition. By competition, I mean where else your ideal customers, investors,...
Managers often spend too much time looking at their businesses from the inside. They focus on what they are doing rather than what their customers are doing. They also miss important opportunities to understand what’s happening with other players in their industry....
Even good businesses lose about 40 percent or more of the prospective customers that they could be serving. They have leaky sales pipelines. Before you increase your marketing to pump more prospects into your business, analyze where you’re losing opportunities with...
Selling and delivering professional services through cyberspace offers an opportunity you don’t want to miss. We’re already buying and selling books and many other products through the internet. New professional firms are using the internet to attract clients....
Would you like to make more money with less effort? Who doesn’t? The question is how. You’ll be surprised to find that the answer lies with the customers you already attract. With the biggest marketing cost for most firms being acquiring new customers, you need to...
Focused planning will help you gain better results. Think of your path to success like a chain. A chain needs strong links to be effective. If there’s a missing link, your project, product, or personal pursuit will fail. This is why you’ll benefit from a results...