Are you finding and keeping the talent you need to succeed? Imagine how your business would soar with some key hires and ways to engage them and the employees you already have. Here are practical tips your organization can use to thrive. 1.“Birds of a feather flock...
Are you an introvert and stew about how extroverts dominate? Do you know introverts and would like to help them succeed? As someone who lives on the cusp of being an introvert and an extrovert, I’ve grappled with these issues personally and with the organizations I’ve...
If you are among the many PoPo’s (“Passed over and Pissed off), don’t despair. The key for people passed over for a promotion is to shift from being a victim of circumstances to taking charge of their talent and moving forward. Here are some questions to consider in...
Are you clear about what it takes to be successful in your job? Have you figured out how those requirements match with what’s satisfying for you? Few people take the time to sort out these fundamental questions. Some ignore the questions because they feel stuck. “I...
Many people want to work smarter, not harder, but what does that mean and how do you do it? 1) What does “working smarter, not harder” mean? Working smarter rather than harder means figuring out the essence of what needs to be done and pursuing the most efficient way...
The fastest way to grow is to be where change is happening. When you can meld multiple strands of change together, the opportunities multiply. Consider, for example, the explosive growth that big data and artificial intelligence generate in businesses from financial...